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Gifts of Love: 2025 Stewardship Campaign

Dear Friends,

What’s most important? That’s a question we all face as we consider what to do with our time, our talents, our attention, and our resources.

When Jesus was asked by some scribes which commandment is most important, he said this: you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength and you shall love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:29-30). This is how Jesus sums up what is most important: Love God and love your neighbors.

At Southminster, we seek to be a community of love where together we live out this calling.

  • We worship to express our love of God through Scripture, prayer, music, and welcome at the Lord’s table.

  • We grow in love through learning, fellowship, and caring relationships in community.

  • We serve in love as we care for our neighbors through hands-on service and generous giving.

Thank you for all the ways you share your gifts to make the life of our community possible. Your gifts of love make a difference at Southminster and in the lives of so many people beyond our walls.

In gratitude for this community of love, and in hope for the year to come, I will be making a financial commitment to Southminster for 2025. Will you join me?

Please prayerfully consider making a financial commitment for 2025. Every pledge and every gift, no matter the amount, makes a valued contribution to our mission and ministry. May our life together as a community of love bear witness to the gift of God’s love for our world.

Yours in Christ,

George Thagard,

Chair, Administration, Finance and Stewardship

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